Ladies, Pay Attention To This One! Essential Nutrients For Women To Enhance Immunity
The post-pandemic era has begun and with it has brought some eye-opening facts and figures related to the global healthcare problems. Among this bustle of questions, debates and scandalous revelations, the women’s healthcare system devised by the government on a mental and physical level has been scrutinized too. Supplementations, diet patterns and their forms have been considered that previously were seen missing in many countries and certain sections of women. For instance, energy mouth spray as a supplement, like Nutrispray’s range, has generated much trust and excellent consumer results.
Keeping these factors in mind, we have curated a list of essential nutrients for women to enhance immunity. After all, various multivitamin brands rightly suggest that the nutritional requirements of “men and women” vary greatly. While most of us simply ignore this fact or aren’t aware of it altogether Nutrispray yet again is trying to shower some light on this widely ignored fact:
1 Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid:
- Effectively prevents sickness.
- Fights cold and reduces the duration of cold, cough or viral cases of flu.
- Provides effective protection against system deficiencies.
- Prevents prenatal health problems (problems before pregnancy).
- Boosts collagen production for youthful skin.
- Improves concentration by increasing the norepinephrine levels in the brain and helps improve mood and relaxation.
2. Zinc:
Facilitates smooth functioning of metabolism.
Improves digestion, nerve functioning, protein synthesis, cellular growth and physical development.
Normal functioning and development of immunity cells.
Counters the invading bacteria and viruses.
Make sure before you purchase any energy mouth spray, you check for its zinc content. Did you know? Zinc deficiency can reduce the sense of taste and smell. Foods that are rich in zinc include chickpeas, lentils, beans, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, peanuts, cashews, almonds, cheese, milk, eggs, whole grains, red meat, shellfish, and dark chocolate.
3. Vitamin E:
The vitamin E benefits for the skin are nourishing and soothing.
Helps prevent and cure inflammation.
Protects the cells against free-radical damage.
May help prevent the prevention of coronary heart disease.
Vitamin E is surely miraculous due to its anti-aging effects and cell repair quality.
Beware of excess consumption too as it can lead to bleeding. Vitamin E can be easily found in food items like cod-liver oil, hazelnuts, peanut butter, safflower oil, and sunflower seeds.
- Boosts the function of white blood cells.
- Prevents bacterial infections and viruses.
- Effectively boosts the production of glucose.
- Regulates the function of thyroid glands.
- Reduces the symptoms of asthma and risks of developing certain cancers.
- Reduces oxidative stress in your body.
- Helps relieve and reduce chronic inflammation.
5. Iron:
- It Aids the proper functioning of hemoglobin and delivers oxygen to the rest of the body.
- Boosts the energy levels.
- Regulates the body temperature.
- Activates immune cells.
- Prevents anemia and pica (the craving for non-food items)
- Effective for pregnant women to make up for blood loss during delivery.
- Prevents premature delivery.
- Curbs hair loss, breathlessness and fatigue.
- Helps cure restless leg syndrome.
Iron supplements for women are always recommended by doctors due to the excessive need for iron in women’s body since due to their menstrual cycles.
To increase your iron intake, opt for foods such as dark leafy vegetables, beans, lentils, baked potatoes, chicken, turkey, cashew nuts, whole grain bread, apples, bananas, and pomegranates.
Energy mouth spray like Nutrispray with their overall benefits meet your requirement for these nutrients effectively. We are the convenient, tasty and assured solution for your nutritive deficiencies. Check out our range of mouth sprays and fight those deficiencies the right way, with Nutrispray.
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